YouTube and Vine have birthed a brand new generation of comedians, many of whom are gaining a foothold on YouTube and beginning to branch out into other mainstream avenues. Drew Gooden, a Viner-turned-YouTuber, is one such up-and-coming comedian. He has already written his name in halls of meme history, as the father of the iconic “Road Work ahead” Vine.
There’s quite a bit more to Gooden than just his years-old work on Vine, however. Since the long lost days of the favored video sharing platform, Gooden has carved out a place for himself among some of YouTube’s most popular comedic creators.
Gooden’s humorous uploads touch on just about every avenue of entertainment YouTube has to offer. He does reaction videos, skits, commentary videos, and has even collaborated with his wife on a few more recent uploads. His comedic talents have rocketed him to popularity on the platform, where he has earned 3.13 million subscribers. His videos consistently get views in the millions, and his fans eagerly await each somewhat sporadic upload.
Gooden hasn’t stopped at YouTube, either. His work in comedy also brought him to the stage, where he toured during the fall of 2019 along with fellow Viners Danny Gonzalez and Kurtis Conner. The tour, titled “We Are Two Different People,” was billed as a comedy tour, and leaned into the remarkably similar histories Gonzalez and Gooden have. Both are former Viners turned YouTubers, both are well into their careers at the ripe young age of 27, and both are, as the duo put it, “skinny white guys on the internet.” Kurtis, who also shares quite a bit in common with Gooden and Gonzalez, came along as the show’s opener.
So How Much Is Drew Gooden Worth?

Gooden’s career has continued to flourish since the good old days uploading 7-second clips to Vine. His work on YouTube, where he has more than 456 million views, has made him a recognizable face among fans of the site. It has also earned him approximately $1.48 million a year in ad revenue, according to Net Worth Spot.
But that’s just on YouTube. If you add in the revenue he may make off any future “skinny white guy” tours, combined with the revenue he makes from his online shop “The Little Stinker Zone,” he actually likely pulls in closer to $2.5 million. His shop sells a variety of comedically-influenced attire, including “Little Stinker” shirts, hoodies, and hats. Overall, his net worth is estimated somewhere in the $6 million range, which is an impressive goal post to hit several years before your 30th birthday.
Published: Aug 10, 2021 08:22 pm