Hit Star Wars show The Mandalorian is rumored to be changing its name after season 4. According to a Twitter thread from Cinelinx Editor-in-Chief Jordan Maison, who writes for the official Star Wars website, the current story arc of the Mandalorian is rumored to end with season 4, and then the show will continue with the same characters but be renamed to reflect its new scope.
The Mandalorian characters have won over the hearts of many Star Wars fans. At the beginning of season 1, we barely knew Pedro Pascal’s character, Din Djarin, who was merely the Mandalorian behind the Beskar armor and iconic mask. But by the end of season 2, he wields the Darksaber and has removed his mask for Grogu, who will now be training with master Luke Skywalker.
According to Maison’s sources, the show is not going to end after season 3, as had been rumored earlier. At the end of his Twitter thread, he expressed confidence that The Mandalorian will continue full steam ahead:
[F]rom all I’ve heard in poking around, Season 3 being the “end” doesn’t sound quite right. Sounds like they’re going balls to the wall and upping the scale on Season 3.Cinelinx Editor-in-Chief Jordan Maison, on Twitter
If the show continues past season 4 with a broader scope and new name, what would that be? For now, we have to wait for season 3 to finish production and make its way to stream. Fans can slake their thirst with The Book of Boba Fett, which will premiere on Disney+ in December.
Published: Sep 1, 2021 7:16 PM UTC