Jasmine Crockett
Photo by Arnold Turner/Getty Images for Jason Lee/Hollywood Unlocked Impact Awards

Jasmine Crockett’s pastor had the best reaction to her ‘bleach blonde bad built butch body’ Marjorie Taylor Greene comment

Where do I find a pastor like this?

On May 16, 2024, perhaps the greatest insult to ever grace the halls of Congress was breezily delivered by Texas Representative Jasmine Crockett.

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The barb Crockett casually tossed in Marjorie Taylor Greene’s direction will live on for years, particularly as merchandise repping the flawlessly alliterative “bleach blonde bad built butch body” starts to hit shelves. It’s a historic moment, and one that helped put Crockett on the map for a million non-Texans.

It didn’t make the 43-year-old Representative many fans among the MAGA masses who see MTG as a blonde Trump with bigger biceps, but it did earn Congresswoman Crockett plenty of new supporters among those who see Greene for the outraged orangutan she is. Among her new wave of cackling admirers is Crockett’s own pastor, who apparently gave her a call just after the phrase of a lifetime earned her a new position in the pop culture zeitgeist.

Speaking with Jimmy Kimmel just over one month after she tore Greene to shreds on the floor of the House, Crockett discussed that fateful day and the very first phone call she received in the wake of her skin-melting retort. It came in from her pastor, a man who wasted no time in delivering high praise for the best takedown this country has seen since John Adams blasted Alexander Hamilton as the “bastard brat of a Scotch pedler.”

After receiving a call midway through the hearing, Crockett was forced to send her pastor to voicemail. She let him know that she wasn’t available, but the Texas Congresswoman clearly wasn’t ready for his response. Hitting back with a straightforward “I know,” her pastor went on to make a simple request: “The next time you say ‘bleach blonde bad built butch body’ please let me know so I don’t have water in my mouth, and spit it out.”

Crockett’s pastor was in no way alone in his reaction to her scathing clap-back, and Crockett herself seems quite content to stay far from her new chief enemy in the House. She and Greene apparently don’t chat much, in the wake of their verbal altercation, but that’s just fine with Crockett. She’s far happier chatting it up with her intellectual peers, and — as Crockett accurately noted to Kimmel — she’d be “hard pressed to find someone dumber” than Greene.

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Image of Nahila Bonfiglio
Nahila Bonfiglio
Nahila carefully obsesses over all things geekdom and gaming, bringing her embarrassingly expansive expertise to the team at We Got This Covered. She is a Staff Writer and occasional Editor with a focus on comics, video games, and most importantly 'Lord of the Rings,' putting her Bachelors from the University of Texas at Austin to good use. Her work has been featured alongside the greats at NPR, the Daily Dot, and Nautilus Magazine.