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‘We have to DEPORT!!!’ says Marjorie Taylor Greene, and sadly she’s not talking about herself

How would one go about deporting a Congresswoman from Georgia?

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

If there’s anyone in this nation a fair number of Americans could agree on ejecting from our borders, its Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). The vile Congresswoman’s certainly made enough enemies to prompt a party at her departure, but there’s a looming issue that keeps her within our midst.

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Namely, there’s nowhere else willing to take her in. If we were to eject the 50-year-old banshee from the U.S. — and by eject I mean shoot from a carefully aimed cannon — there’s no other nation that would welcome her into their midst. Even Russia, a country she’s increasingly showing more loyalty to than the one she helps represent, banned her from its borders, leaving her with upsettingly few options outside the United States — unfortunately for us.

It seems we’re stuck with Greene, a woman who’s ability to tie her own shoes is genuinely up for debate. She certainly can’t remember how to pronounce words or wrap her brain around how the political workings of her own nation work, but she’s still ready and willing to pretend otherwise. She’s back at her faux-legislating this week, but with a new target in her crosshairs. Greene took time for a little pre-planned bigotry on June 18, sprinting straight to demands of deportation without stopping at go (she probably collected at least $200, though).

Greene took to X with her latest demand to “DEPORT,” following a Fox News report about the hefty non-detained docket of asylum-seekers entering the U.S. The report indicates that ICE employees are completely overtasked at the moment, thanks to sky-high numbers of incoming refugees and asylum-seekers, and Greene has one heartless blanket solution to deal with them all: Ignore their plight, and send them back where they came from.

It is a fact that a percentage of the people seeking entrance into the United States are not fleeing any kind of violence, poverty, or unlivable conditions back home. But the vast majority of people seeking refuge within U.S. borders do so more out of desperation than actual desire — they have nowhere else safe to go, so like generations of immigrants before them, they come here.

But Greene is ditching that silly outdated “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” sentiment for a much more heartless one. She embraces the “America First” ideal with shameless zeal, and she doesn’t care a lick for the human life she’d prefer we toss out like last week’s refuse.

The only refuse I see messing up our country does so from the halls of Congress. Greene is the only stain this nation needs cleaned — alongside a slew of her MAGA peers — but unless we can track down that cannon I mentioned earlier, I’m afraid we’ll never be rid of her.