While not considered a complete success, Batman Ninja was an intriguing experiment in adapting the Dark Knight to anime. Released in 2018, Junpei Mizusaki directed and Takashi Okazaki designed the feature, which displaces the hero to feudal Japan. Fans will get a chance to see Batman Ninja this month, following the news that Adult Swim's Toonami block will air the film on October 16th at 12.30am as part of DC FanDome.
We've now had a few days to digest the first trailer for The Matrix Resurrections, and fans are already excited about what it means for the Wachowskis' franchise. As well as questions over why Neo looks so different in the new movie, as well as its relationship to the original Matrix trilogy, theories are being made on what we can expect from the sequel. The latest idea floated over on FandomWire is that Carrie-Anne Moss's Trinity is actually a double agent working for the Machines.
Despite an initial teaser that raised eyebrows over its effort to be the edgy version of the DC universe, Titans has developed into one of the strongest superhero shows of the present television landscape. The currently airing third season has certainly expanded the scope of the production, bringing in familiar characters and classic plotlines from the comics, and we're now getting hints that HBO Max want another run of episodes.