Donald Trump isn’t known for his intelligence, and he’s increasingly ditched advisors with actual IQs in favor of drooling cronies with nothing but desperate groveling to decorate their resumes.
As a result, the Trump camp has left wisdom so far in the rearview that it’s officially in another continent. That couldn’t have been more clear than it was in late July, when the former president accepted an invitation to the National Association of Black Journalists convention. His showing at the convention was so offensively atrocious that even Trump’s closest flunkeys struggled to twist the narrative, leaving him with nothing but a few utterly insulting soundbites and some fresh enemies as a result of his appearance.
Easily the most eye-catching of Trump’s frequent faux pas during his time at the convention was when he insinuated that Kamala Harris simply “happened to turn Black” to appeal to voters. The unimaginably idiotic statement promptly went viral, and led to broad pushback from voters and political commentators alike.
Don, buddy, I think the word you were looking for is “biracial.” That’s when someone comes from two separate backgrounds, much like Harris, who comes from an Indian mother and a Jamaican father. This woman didn’t just “decide” to identify as Black — she’s always been Black, and she always will be. She will also always be Indian, because that’s what being biracial is.
That fact is entirely lost on Trump, of course, but so is most of the English language. Along with tact. And history, foreign policy, economics — really anything to do with actually running a country. Trump can’t wrap his brain around anything other than his own ambitions, but that didn’t stop him from lambasting the current president, Joe Biden, as cognitively impaired and senile.
Well, that cognitively impaired old man just made the biggest prisoner swap in post-Soviet Union history, and even Trump is struggling to criticize the historic move. At the moment, he’s actively trying to reshape the narrative being thrust upon him, one which he and his base have pushed on Biden for years, but people like Stephen King aren’t willing to let it slide that easily. The celebrated author didn’t waste words with his latest post to X, in which he breezily pointed out that “President Biden got Evan Gershkovich and Paul Whelan released,” before pointing out “Not bad for a man the Republicans claim is senile.”
It’s a hard point to argue with. While Biden is successfully pulling off prisoner transfers, delivering stern warnings to international leaders, and working to tackle the same issues he’s been targeting since his early presidency, Trump is busy fumbling his words, forgetting key figure’s names, and misunderstanding the concept of multi-racial backgrounds.
Who’s cognitively impaired again? While Biden certainly didn’t perform well at the first debate, he continues to serve as a stoic and capable leader of this country. His former competition, meanwhile, leans on the same blatantly false bluster that was so lucrative the first time around, but with far less success. People are onto his game, and with each fresh gaffe, slip-up, and openly racist statement, he veers further from electable and closer to committable.
Published: Aug 2, 2024 6:34 PM UTC