Love is Blind‘s fifth season had a few villains, but for me the standout was easily Stacy Snyder.
Don’t get me wrong, Uche rubbed me the wrong way from his earliest moments on screen, but Stacy’s longevity on the show gave her far more room to develop into the season’s overarching bad guy. Not everyone agrees with me, of course — the contentious nature of Love is Blind is one of its selling points, after all — but I’m firmly in Camp Johnie, and you can’t budge me.
As such, I was keyed into Love is Blind TikTok — and social media in general — from the very start, and quickly saw anti-Stacy content flood my feeds. Much of this content was poking fun at Stacy’s materialistic nature, makeup use, and bullying behavior, but some additionally teased her over her career. With all the things Stacy has stacked up against her, her job hardly seems notable, but let’s still take a look at this “operations manager.”
What is Stacy’s job?
Love is Blind introduces viewers to a lot of love seekers over the course of each season, so it helpfully provides a caption with their name and a quick description of their job. For Lydia, that equals a caption noting her work as a geologist, for Taylor it’s her teaching, and Stacy’s job is clearly stated across the season as “operations manager.” Apart from that, however, Stacy’s job rarely comes up. It’s clear that she has high expectations when it comes to money and her desire to be pampered often comes with a high price tag – despite the show’s promise to help participants find love “not for your looks, your race, your background, or your income.”
But, as long as Stacy can bankroll that opulent lifestyle for herself, who are we to judge? She has every right to spend her money however she wants — living that first-class lifestyle — but, when it becomes Izzy’s responsibility, it becomes an issue. That responsibility seemingly falls on Izzy not because Stacy doesn’t have money — its clear, in the show, that she comes from generational wealth — but because her job doesn’t actually pay that well, and she doesn’t want her father to bankroll her life.
Operations manager sounds good on paper, but it doesn’t actually seem to align with what we see Stacy doing for a living in Love is Blind season 5. The one shot we get of Stacy at work, she’s teaching a pilates class over at Method Pilates in Houston. Pilates instructor and operations manager aren’t the same thing, so where’s the disconnect?

As it turns out, pilates is only one of Stacy’s jobs. That “operations manager” appears to come from her work with Petromar, a company that, on her LinkedIn, lists “global feedstock brokering” under its logo. Rumors that this company belongs, at least in part, to Stacy’s father may be true, but there’s no real confirmation of that fact. Her father appears to work in the oil industry, and — while tracking down her actual company is a challenge — it does appear that Stacy’s job isn’t entirely nepotism-based.
That’s on top of the final job Stacy lists on her LinkedIn. On top of her work at Method Pilates and Petromar, she also bills herself as the founder of The Closet Audit, a company that rearranges, styles, and streamlines closets to help people improve their look. The company’s only been around since 2022, and it’s hard to say how well it’s doing, but it likely adds at least some income to Stacy’s bank account.
So there you have it. I’m by no means her biggest fan, but it seems Stacy wasn’t actually referencing pilates when listing herself as an operations manager. Whether that actual title was one earned through her father’s good name or Stacy’s own hard work has yet to be fully revealed, but it’s one less tick in the anti-Stacy column.
Published: Oct 16, 2023 12:48 pm