It’s common for outgoing high-ranking personnel in many industries and job roles to receive a gift from their superiors or an organization. Depending on how swanky the job is, this can range from a cheap bottle of wine to an expensive watch — or in the case of Merrick Garland’s departure from his Attorney General role, a replica Tommy Gun.
The choice of gift has been discussed endlessly online, with many in the MAGA movement suggesting it’s illegal, irresponsible, or unfair (because now those things matter when they can weaponize it). Never one to be outdone when it comes to hyperbolic, hysterical, and hypocritical claims, Lauren Boebert has waded into the fray with comments of her own.
Posting to her X account, Boebert questions whether Garland had undergone a background check before being gifted the replica gun, referencing a firearms regulation concept many in the MAGA movement have problems with.
Boebert’s suggestion is unlikely to be a serious question about Garland’s suitability for owning a gun — instead, it’s the suggestion that Merrick Garland is morally and ethically unsuitable for the position he held. A way to cast aspersions and delegitimize his professional decisions. It’s a kind of dog-whistle for her fellow MAGA Republicans and the wider movement so that they can pile on with their conspiracy theories and personal attacks while Boebert looks halfway reasonable.
The problem for Lauren Boebert is that she has more than a few skeletons in her own closet. For someone so fond of making moralistic judgments of others, she has a remarkably long list of personal failings to her name. It’s well known that Boebert’s now ex-husband was arrested and jailed for public indecency, but Lauren herself has a string of crimes to her name, including charges for third degree assault and criminal mischief.
These historic charges aren’t where it ends, though, because a video featuring Boebert groping her partner in public at a theater had circulated widely online, earning her chiding remarks from her fellow Republicans. Boebert, who has suggested that members of the LGBTQ+ community are groomers who engage in inappropriate public behaviors, doesn’t seem to see the inherent hypocrisy in her words and actions.
Once or twice would be bad enough, but Lauren Boebert is the gift that keeps giving. She’s been outspoken in her criticism and attacks on Hunter Biden, making all sorts of statements, apparently forgetting that her own family is nowhere near squeaky clean. Her mother was on trial for felony trespass, while one of her sons was arrested and charged with 22 counts, including property theft and criminal possession of ID documents. If that wasn’t bad enough, he was even found in possession of a sex tape he’d made with a minor.
Boebert is not responsible for the actions of her mother or her adult children, nor of her ex-husband, who are all independent people with motivations and behaviors of their own. But the exact same thing is true of everyone else, including Joe Biden, and yet Boebert mercilessly attacks the failings of her political opponents’ family members as a way to score points while her own family is representative of a far greater degree and number of moral and legal failings. At this point, it’s easy to see Boebert’s projections for what they are, and whenever she points at someone else with an attack, it’s probably best to imagine she’s looking into a mirror.
Published: Jan 19, 2025 10:17 am