Whenever a new Netflix series debuts to acclaim from critics, captures the imagination of audiences, and scores bumper viewership figures, talk instantly turns to the agonizing waiting game of renewal. However, Bodies has already gotten ahead of the curve and admitted that it’s not interested in the slightest.
The time-hopping murder mystery thriller adapted from the comic book of the same name has proven its worth already, after Netflix’s internal Top 10 named it as the single most-watched title of the week across both film and television. Based on those metrics alone, in 99 percent of cases you’d think there was at the very least a decent chance of a season 2, but it ain’t happening.
Notching 58.6 million hours and 7.7 million total views, the labyrinthine conspiracy that finds four detectives in four distinct time periods all investigating the exact same dead body that’s shown up out of nowhere in the exact same location boasts one hell of a hook, so it’s easy to see why users have been so desperate to binge their way through Bodies as soon as possible.
On the plus side, we already know that it won’t become the latest victim of the trigger-happy streamer’s rampant cancellation habits, which have already claimed 23 victims since the turn of the year with no doubt at least a handful more to come.
The downside is that users will have to make do with eight episodes of Bodies and no more, but at least it doesn’t end on a dangling cliffhanger that’s never going to be followed up on… or does it?
Published: Nov 1, 2023 8:10 AM UTC