For three glorious seasons, Hannibal was one of the most horrifying shows on television. Despite critical acclaim, the low ratings ended up ultimately doing the series in after only 39 episodes. Fans have since been hopeful that the captivating saga will one day return to the small screen, but each passing month makes it seem less and less likely.
Bryan Fuller, however, has no intent to quit trying. He recently assured everyone on Twitter that he and others are still attempting to shop the show to other platforms, saying:
“No one has given up! I’ve made it clear I want to do it, the cast wants to do it and Martha wants to do it. We just need a network or a streaming service that wants to do it, too. I don’t feel there’s a clock on it or an expiration date for the idea.”
This is definitely good news to those who were beginning to doubt they would ever see Dr. Lecter and Will Graham at odds again. Mads Mikkelsen has also spoken this year about wanting to pick up where his character left off, reiterating Fuller’s claims that everyone would be onboard to do it if given the chance.
If viewers are vocal enough, anything can happen. Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Lucifer, Arrested Development, You and more were all saved by different networks/streaming services. The same could easily happen for Lecter and the gang if executives see a moneymaking opportunity in giving the show a second chance.
Unfortunately, though, this isn’t the first time those associated with the series have teased a revival. In 2017, a fourth season of Hannibal seemed very likely but never materialized. This time around could, of course, be different. As of right now, however, things appear to be staying very much the same.
Fans should try to make their voices heard if they really want a revival. There’s strength in numbers, after all. Maybe an online petition can finally get the ball rolling – though Game of Thrones fans may argue otherwise.
Published: May 30, 2019 10:57 PM UTC