Marvel knows that good things come in threes, which is why we’re about to be gifted with the MCU‘s very first three-hero-led film with The Marvels. Whether it’s a found family dynamic, a multiversal link-up, or a complicated love/friend triangle, the possibilities are endless when you join three really good characters. This list is most definitely proof of that.
The Marvels

The build-up to the team-up happening in The Marvels between Monica, Carol, and Kamala was lengthy and glorious. From 2019’s Captain Marvel to 2021’s WandaVision and 2022’s Ms. Marvel, we’ve been tracing the crumbs to what will hopefully be a complete meal at the finish line when the three heroines finally join forces. With tons of family history and tricky dynamics shaking up their mojo, these three powerful ladies will have to talk it out before fighting it out.
The Peters

Search “dream team” up on the dictionary and you’ll likely run into these three hotties. Marvel devotees across generations had been hoping the twists and tricks of superhero storytelling would somehow bring the three iterations of Peter Parkers together at some point. Considering they come from separate franchises and are the same character, these hopeful fans were in luck when Marvel decided to dedicate its new saga to the multiverse. Their energy was magnetic in Spider-Man: No Way Home and we hated having to say goodbye in the end. Peter 1, Peter 2, Peter 3, we will always love you.
Steve, Sam, and Bucky

These three were put through the wringer during their time together in the MCU. While most of their scenes happened in pairs, including either Steve and Sam, Steve and Bucky, or Bucky and Sam, their connection as a trio is undeniable. The three men all shared a deep admiration for one another, and with Steve now gone, his two best friends were compelled to do his legacy justice, together. The Captain, the Falcon, and The Winter Soldier might sound like the jazziest name ever for an underground emo band, but it’s just the angstiest, most loyal love — sorry — friend triangle in the superhero world.
Thor, Groot, and Rocket

Who can ever forget the feeling of watching Thor, Groot, and Rocket blast into Wakanda looking for Thanos during Infinity War? This trio was a fan favorite during the film, uniting the best Marvel duo ever in Rocket and Groot with one of the OG Avengers at his very prime. They became quite inseparable during their journey with Thor and Rocket’s himbo/grump synergy working particularly well on screen thanks to their common experiences of loss and pain.
Peter, Ned, and MJ

A Peter Parker will always need a best friend and a girlfriend, but there’s something about the MCU’s version of the famous spider hero that hits the spot. Not only are Ned and MJ a lot more involved in helping Peter with his missions in this franchise, but they also enjoy a much deeper and more genuine connection as teenage best friends just trying to figure out their place in the world. Spider-Man: No Way Home highlighted just how much they love each other and we sincerely hope they’re eventually brought back together.
Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie

There’s plenty of untapped potential with this threesome. And we mean that both in action and romantically. Come on, we can’t be alone in hoping Loki’s historical admission of his bisexuality will be more than a line of dialogue in this new season of the Disney Plus show. And, since Tom Hiddleston’s got as much chemistry with Owen Wilson as with Sophia Di Martino, there’s only one solution here that would keep fans of both ‘ships happy. In truth, we’d be content just seeing more of these three get together to take down Kang.
Kate, Clint, and Lucky the Pizza Dog

In Marvel Comics, Lucky is a catalyst for Clint and Kate‘s mentor/mentee relationship, so when the studio started planning the Young Avenger’s introduction into the live-action cinematic universe, there was no doubt this four-pawed sidekick had to come along. In Disney Plus’ Hawkeye, Lucky is not just a friendly furry face, but a grounding force for both Kate and Clint, offering companionship and emotional support. The pizza-loving golden retriever was easily the best character in the show, so Marvel better bring him back in the future.
Tony, Steve, and Thor

The MCU doesn’t get much better than when these three are on the screen. As the first Avengers to get their own individual trilogies and the headliners of the franchise, a Thor/Steve/Tony scene will always ignite the butterflies in any worthy Marvel fan’s stomach. They’re iconic leaders, each with a very specific skill and power set, who reach their maximum potential when brought together. Although we’re certainly sad we’ll probably never see them team up again, we will always cherish the show-stopping moments they gave us through the years. The closest thing to rockstars the MCU will ever have.
Thor, Bruce, and Valkyrie

Taika Waititi may have fallen out of favor with Marvel fans after Thor: Love and Thunder, but we will always be grateful to him for giving us the wonderful Thor-Bruce-Valkyrie collab. While the rest of the Avengers were busy having marital problems on Earth, Thor and Hulk were reuniting in space and we were witnessing the birth of the best Avenger friendship. The introduction of Valkyrie was an instant hit with audiences, making her the cherry on top of this hilariously dysfunctional found family.
Published: Oct 16, 2023 07:48 am